One of the particular blessings of my pastoral year is time
to pray. Parish life can be busy, and does include meeting after meeting … I’m
not “complaining,” just “explaining.” I enjoy the wonderful opportunity to
connect with the people of Saint Robert’s in the various contexts: Adult Faith
Formation, Liturgy, Religious Education, Small Faith Sharing, Building and
Grounds, Respect Life, etc.
For me, however, each day continues to have time that I can
dedicate to personal prayer, and one of my favorite places to have a
conversation with God is the Prayer Garden, a beautiful space between the church
building and the parish center, which is cared for by a parish gardening
committee, and which is filled with colorful flowers, a fountain that is
sometimes on (haven’t figured out the schedule for the fountain yet), several
benches, and two statues. One “feature” I have found – considering I can get a
sunburn looking at a postcard of a sunset – is that at any time during the day,
at least one of the benches is in the shade.
The first statue, the Blessed Mother, has her holding the
Infant Jesus, and has two small children at her feet, looking up at the Child.
As I contemplated that statue during the course of the Rosary today, the Feast
of the Assumption, I glanced over and noticed that St. Joseph was also
mostly in the shadows, and is positioned in a place where he likely is partly
in shadow most of the day. So my contemplative prayer today shifted from the Blessed
Mother to considering “Saint Joseph of the Shadows.”
OK, I made up that title, but it is probably fair to say
that in the hectic world in which we all live, Joseph probably gets left in the
shadows a lot. And yet, he came into center stage earlier this week when
several of us in the parish center were discussing his role as the patron of
workers. Employment is a challenge for many, many people today. Some are
underemployed, some are unhappy in cut-throat positions, and far too many are
seeking a job, something that not too long ago was taken much more for granted.
We see the depiction of Joseph in religious art as usually
serene, holding a lily as a sign of his peacefulness, and sometimes as the
teacher of the young Jesus, guiding him in learning to be a carpenter.
Something we don’t often consider – which I believe is a prominent feature of “Saint
Joseph of the Shadows” – is that his hands were most likely calloused, probably
arthritic, and likely had a number of scars from sharp hand tools that slipped
from time-to-time, especially when he was tired. At least for me, when playing
with my hobby of woodworking, it is when I am tired that the tools slip, and I
have a few scars to measure those mistakes.
Scriptures say very little about St. Joseph, and yet it was
he who probably first listened to Mary’s warning to be careful with Jesus in the
shop, and not to let Him get hurt with the sharp tools. Both of them knew that
one day, He would have more than His share of hurts – He would suffer all the
hurts for the sinful world of all time that He redeemed in His death and
resurrection. But I picture Joseph’s strong, calloused hand gently wrapped
around Jesus’ small hand, working the plane or the saw to shape a chair, or a
bowl in the shop. And then I think that Jesus, too, had callouses on His hands. Before he had the
stigmata, Saint Francis of Assisi had callouses, too, from rebuilding the churches, stone upon stone.
Hard work goes into creating the world and our Church. As we
pray for guidance while searching for work, or while trying to understand how
to make the best of a difficult day at work, remember Saint Joseph of the
Shadows; he is always there, gently speaking to Jesus about being careful with
Creation. Invite Joseph to gently wrap his strong, rough, scarred hands around
our own labors, to guide us, and to speak to His Son on our behalf. God’s
creation continues to unfold in each of our lives; take the time to recognize
and embrace the fact that we don’t work alone, but with heavenly guidance as we
discern our role in the creation story of today.